MHS Marching Band
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about the MHS Marching Band!
Most short answers are directly linked to the info in question.
About the Band​
Where can I find the MHS Marching Band Registration Form or info on Activity Fees? - ("Marching Band Registration")
Where can I find the MHS Marching Band Schedule? - ("Schedule/Calendar")
Is there bus transportation for the Summer School rehearsals? - ("Summer School Bus Transportation")
Where can I find out more about the MHS Marching Band? - Our "About the Marching Band" page is a great place to start.
What are the participation requirements for Marching Band ? - ("Participation Requirements")
What can I find the slides presentation from the info meeting? - ("Slides Presentation")
Where can I find the Drum Major Application? - ("Drum Major Application")
What other leadership opportunities are available? - There is a section of the Marching Band Registration Form that includes additional leadership opportunities for students. Priority is given to those who have their registration completed early.
Member Expectations​
What are the attendance expectations? - Marching Band is a graded class for credit, therefore attendance is required at all rehearsals & performances.
What is the conflict policy? - Students must complete the Conflict Section of the registration form prior to the start of the season. This will let the staff know all of your absences prior to the start of the season. We no longer use the daily conflict form of previous seasons. Failure to meet these expectations will negatively impact a student’s grade and/or affect their eligibility to perform in an upcoming show/competition. A full copy of the Conflict Policy can be found on the "About the Marching Band" page of the website.
Where can I find the rehearsal expectations? - ("Rehearsal Expectations​")
Where can I find the fitness expectations? - ("Fitness Expectations")
Where can I find the communication expectations? - ("Communication Expectations")
Where can I find out how to sign up for the BAND App? - ("Communication Expectations")
Where can I find the commitment expectations? - ("Commitment Expectations")
Miscellaneous Information​
Where can I find information on the Field of Flags Event? - ("Field of Flags​")
Where can I find information on Phantom Fest? - ("Phantom Fest​") Additional info for volunteers will be communicated by Mrs. Angoli and or lead parents as the event draws closer.
Where can I find information on fundraisers? - Mrs. Angoli will send out fundraising-related info via the BAND App.
Where can I find information on the Chicago Trip? - Mrs. Angoli will send out Chicago Trip-related info via the BAND App.